How does a man handle a hard day at work? He enjoys a threesome with his two hot sexy Trannies' that work for him. These Italian Lady-men are raring to go as they show these men how they handle a cock, his or their own!Everyone is raring to go as they get down and dirty with some hot anal action. And remember two cocks are better than one, and three's even better. The beds are shakin' and rattlin' as these Trannies take charge of the situation!
While back in the bedroom, she fucks you in the ass and give you the pleasure of sucking on a throbbing cock until it ejaculates a huge, thick load of cum into your mouth. It's the best of both worlds!
100% Cum soaked Tranny non-stop gangbang Hardcore! So, you've been dying for some action and fucking hardcore. Something that will shock and awe! Well this dvd is exactly what you need. A vast collection of dirty raunchy Shemale's ready to give it anyway it cums. There are dicks and tits everywhere so you won't be disappointed. Get ready for a Shemale Gangbang!
Don't be ashamed. You know you wanted to see what it might be like to pick up a Tranny and get down and dirty with her. Or him. To watch her take off her top and show you those soft, warm and big tits. And then, you unzip your fly so you can wrap your sweaty palms around your throbbing hardon, she does the same! Nice. But what if she shows up with a bunch of her Tranny friends? And then they all want to suck and fuck your balls dry... what then? No problem - just sit back and enjoy being the victim of a SheMale GangBang!
Even She-Males need love! Jaqueline starts out with two males, she has no problems making them both happy. Miraella goes to town on a female that could be her twin sister! Miriany, an exquisitely lovely tranny, fucks her male lover's brains out on the couch. Sasha takes her turn in the bedroom, ass-fucking a man with her big cock. Last, but not least, Victoria & Tais Share each other with a man. Watch them penetrating the tunnel of love!