Hey, guy... this is a road trip - so stick your thumb out, not your dick! There's Trannys up ahead, they've all got big dicks just like yours, and they know how to use them! They've got big tits too - like cover girl, Karen's mega mams!
So your driving down the highway and you notice a sexy big breasted woman looking to hitch a ride. You immediately pull over to pick her up, she say's "thanks for the lift, how will I ever repay you?". That's where all the fun begins. We've gone on the road in search of the horniest Tranny's across America, The kind with big tits and even bigger dicks. They can suck you off, while you jerk them off, anything goes here. This is one road trip you don't want to miss!
What`s soft and sweet and makes the hair on the back of your neck stand erect? SHE MALE KISSES of course. The pervs at PXP have out done themselves by finding the hottest, thick-cocked shemales they could find and have them fuck the shit out of unsuspecting guys. Next time you are in a bar and getting soft kisses on your neck, give a reach to make sure it`s what you want.
Florida is home to some of the sexiest chicks in the entire world. Super models are all around but one must wonder how many of these long legged beauties may actually be hauling a third leg around along with the other two.